Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Secrets of a Civil War Submarine # 21

1.      Author: Sally M. Walker
2.      Title: Secrets of a Civil War Submarine
3.      Genre: Informational/Historical
4.      Subgenre: Chapter Book
5.      Theme: Submarines, United States, History, Civil War, Naval Operations, South Carolina, and Antiques
6.      Primary and Secondary Topics: H. L. Hunley the Submarine  and the Civil War
7.      Awards: Robert F. Sibert Medal
8.      Date of Publication: 2005
9.      Publication Company: Carolrhoda Books
10.  A summary about the book and how you will use it in your classroom.

       This book is packed with information about the naval side of the Civil war especially along the east coast.  The book discussed the disappearance of the Hunley Submarine after the Civil War and how they came to find it after more than 100 years of laying on the ocean floor.  The book provides a lot of historical pictures, maps, and figures to bring the submarine to life for young reader.  This book also shows the scientific side to the research and discovery that goes into retrieving the submarine from the ocean.  I would present this book to my students in fifth or sixth grade when talking about the civil war era.  I bet that most student do not realize that there were submarines or even naval troops involved in the war at all.  This book is filled with so much information I would allow students to look through it on there own be point out interesting facts and pictures that would enhance the instruction.

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